Grand Palais
Ross Bleckner, Untitled, 2018
Chun Kwang Young, Aggregation 21-AP044, 2021
Tony Cragg,  Constructor, 2007
Leiko Ikemura, Universe, 2019
Yves Klein, blue sponge sculpture untitled, SE 323 (addition to catalogue from Krefeld, Haus Lange, 1961 "Monochrome und Feuer"), 196061
Gustav Klimt, Reclining nude on her stomach to the right, 1910
Gustav Klimt, Study for the painting 'The Bride' (1917/18), 1917
Elke Krystufek, Fascism inside and outside of Austria, 2000
Radenko Milak, untitled (for the series "Timeless Innovation"), 2024
Rudolf Polanszky, Reconstructions, 2017
Egon Schiele, Gertrude ('Gerti') Schiele seated, with raised left arm, 1910
Egon Schiele, Crouching female nude, 1914
Manolo Valdés, The Cartier, 2008
Franz West, Das allzu Kreatürliche ('The All-Too-Creaturel'), 1990
Franz West, 6 Onkel Stühle (6 'Uncle Chairs'), 2003
Franz West, Name object "Bruno" (referring to Bruno Gironcoli), 1980
Franz West, Alles (Tutti), 1984